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 www.ecclesiadei.nl / documenten / “Analysis on Dignitatis Humanae”

Just 3?!

(Source: P R A Y 4 T H E F R I A R S)

I’ve just had the chance to read a press release from italian Summorum Pontificum National Committee, lay association for the E.F. faithful, complaining about the dramatic ban on Pope John XXIII Mass, the glorious Vetus Ordo, currently increasing in Italy, not only for FFI-run chapels.

They’re especially concerned for several permissions to celebrate VO answered with denials from the Apostolic Commissioner Fr. Fidenzio Volpi, against Pope Benedict XVI will. This is the report: before commissioning FFI celebrated V.O. Mass on a regular basis in 33 different locations. Today? Just 3! Who cares of those faithful attending this rite and now ‘orphans’? Where is the shepherd caring for his sheeps’ needs?

Regarding FFI, if I’m not going wrong, the VO Mass is celebrated in a single USA location, Lacrosse. I don’t have news from Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Philippines and elsewhere. I’ll write again on this topic, but I ask you please to let me know where the Mass has been banned and where not in your country.

In Corde Matris